Тимбилдинг: раскрытие ресурсов организации и личности

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But besides that, the book is intended for young women, who are dreaming, but still do not dare to start their own business. The book is for the people who are ready to overcome challenges and difficulties and to follow their dream.

The book consists of two parts. The first part is an attempt of theo­retical analysis of Teambuilding industry in Russia. The author draws the borders to Teambuilding phenomenon and describes the factual situa­tion in Russia. The author studies the key drivers and key competitive forces in the industry. Analysis is followed by classification of compa­nies that are operating in teambuilding industry and related industries, and after that the detailed description of existing products is presented. Along with that the book is focused on the comprehensive study of ex-treme-teambuilding field. The classification of clients and teambuilding participants are presented. The special spice of the first part is forecast­ing for Teambuilding 2020 in Russia and on the global scale. The second part of the book is the internal view of the author on extreme Teambuild­ing. This is the truthful and honest book about author's personal experi­ence — the thrilling history of business woman-entrepreneur in Russia!

If one from thousands, who read this book, will open his own busi­ness, I will be very satisfied with my intention. This is the Motivational book! This is book about business and about myself.

Marina ISKHAKOVA Norway, Oslo, 12 September 2008

F?R TEAMBUILDING (на норвежском языке)

Dette er den f?rste boken i Russland om russisk teambuilding. Bo-ken er tiltenkt ledere og spesialister p? personal, medarbeidere og ledere i bedrifter inncn teambuilding og idrett samt medarbeidere som enten har gjennomg?tt eller skal delta p? teambuilding i sin bedrift. Boken vil ogs? v?re meget interessant og nyttig for ledere i russiske og vestlige selskaper i Russland som ?nsker ? vite mer om filosofien rundt dette ek-sotiske businessproduktet. Boken vil v?re spesielt interessant for perso-ner som trives i friluft, for mine venner og kolleger. Tanken med denne


Перед тимбилдингом

boken er ? gi mitt bidrag til utviklingen av og forbedring av omd?mmet til rassiske bedrifter.

Forfatteren tror at russiske teambuiidingselskaper i fremtiden vil bli aktive p? det intemasjonale markedet, at de vil kunne v?re konkurran-sedyktige og dermed ta sin velfortjente plass i den globale industrien for erfaringsbasert l?ring og utvikling. Teambuilding er et utrolig kreativt og diversifisert omr?de. Forfatteren mener ikke at hennes perspektiver er de eneste sanne, men hun mener at hun har tyngde i faget basert p? egen utdanning (russisk Ph.D. og vestlig MBA) og 3 ?rs yrkeserfaring i teambuildingsindustrien i Russland som grunnlegger og direktor for det St. Petersburg baserte teambuildingselskapet Adventure Races

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