Дорога на Аваллон

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76. Godwin J. Arktos. The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nay. Survival. London, 1993.

77. Higgins G. The Celtic Druids. London, 1977.

78. Icelandic Sagas, in 4 vol. Ed. by G.Vigfusson. London, 1887-1894.

79. Jackobs J. English Fairy Tales. London, 1890.

80. Jackobs J. More English Fairy Tales. London, 1894.

81. Jackobs J. Celtic Fairy Tales. London, 1970.

82. Jakobson R. The Slavic god Veles and his Indo-European cognates // Studi linguistici in onore di Vittore Pisani. Brescia, 1969.

83. Jobes G. Dictionary of mythology, folklore and symbols. N.Y., 1962.

84. Joyce P.W. Old Celtic Romances, translated from Gaelic. Dublin, 1944.

85. MacCulloch J.A. The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh, 1911.

86. MacCulloch J.A. The Celtic and Scandinavian Religions. London, 1948.

87. More Welsh Fairy and Folk Tales. By W.J.Thomas. Cardiff, 1957.

88. Murphy G. Early Irish literature. London, 1966.

89. Murphy G. Saga and Myth in ancient Ireland. Dublin, 1955. 90. Olrik A. Miterne от Lofo // Festskrift til Feilberg. Kobenhavn, 1911.

91. O'Sullivan S. Folktales of Ireland. London, 1966.

92. Pennick N. Magie du Nord. La magie practique dans la tradition nordique. Puiseaux, 1996.

93. Piggott S. The Druids. Penguin books, 1977.

94. Rees A., Rees R. Celtic Heritage. London, 1976.

95. Rhys J. Celtic Folklore. Welsh and Manx, vol. 1-2. Oxford, 1901.

96. Scandinavian legends and folk Tales, retold by Gwyn Jones. Oxford, 1956.

97. Sharkey J. Celtic Mysteries. The ancient religion. London, 1975.

98. Stewart R.J. Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses. London, 1990.

99. The Mabinogi and other Medieval Welsh Tales. Translated by P.K.Ford. Berkley, Los Angeles, London, 1977.

100. The Mabinogion. Translated and edited by Lady Sharlotte Guest. London, 1906.

101. The Mabinogion. Translated by Gwyn Jones and Tomas Jones. London, 1957.

102. Tain bo Cualnge from the book of Leinster. Ed. by C.O'Rahilly. Dublin, 1970.

103. Tolkien J.R.R. On fairy stories // Tree and Leaf. London, 1964.

104. Troedd Ynys Pridein, or Triads of Britain. Cardiff, 1961.

105. Welsh Legends and Folk-Tales. By Gwyn Jones. London, 1955.

106. Yeats W.B. Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry. London, 1897.

К части 2

107. Арушанов М.Л., Коротаев С.М. Поток времени как физическое явление. М., 1989. Деп. в ВИНИТИ 22.12.89, № 7598-В89.

108. Ацкжовский В.А. Логические и экспериментальные основы теории относительности. М., 1990.

109. Бурлешин М. Геопатогенные зоны глазами геологов // Мир непознанного, 1994, № 6.

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