Книга Лилит

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[8] В Исходе (14:21) и в более поздних комментариях: Мидраш Раба, Пиркей де Рабби Элиэзера и Раши также ничего не известно о произнесении имени Бога.

[9] С. Lenherr-Baumgartner: foe.at., p. 24

[10] C. Lenherr-Baumgartner:he. ciL, p. 18

[11] K. Horney: "Die Angst vor der Frau" inInternationale, Zeitschriftfiir Psychoanalyse. Vienna, 1932, Vol. XVIII, p. 5ff

[12] C.G. Jung: "Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype" in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Princeton & London, 1959, CW.Vol. IX,p. 8lff

[13] E. Neumann:The Origin and History of Consciousness. Princeton & London, 1954, p. 41

[14] C.G.Jung: "The Psychology of Transference" in Specific Problems of Psychotherapy. Princeton & London, 1954, CW, Vol. XVI, p. 295

[15] C.G. Jung: "Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype" in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Princeton & London, 1959, CW, IX, p. 89

[16] G. Scholem: "Lilith ve'Na'amah liphne ha'melech Shlomo" inPeraqim chadashim me'injenei Ashmedai ve'Lilith. TZ, Jerusalem, 1947/48, Vol. XIX, p. 174

[17] Cf. C.G. Jung: Letter to James Kirsch inLetters of C.G. Jung. Princeton & London, 1972, Vol. II, p. 91ff

[18] C.G.Jung: The Transcendent Function. Princeton & London, 1960, CW, Vol. VIII, p. 68

[19] M.-L. von Franz: "Die aktive Imagination in der Psychologie C.G. Jungs" in W. Bitter:Meditation in Religion und Psychotherapie. Stuttgart, 1958, p. 143; ныне доступно в M.-L. von Franz, Psychotherapie, Einsiedeln, 1990.

[20] C.G.Jung: "The Tavistock Lectures" (1935), Lecture V (Discussion) in The Symbolic Life, CW Vol. XVIII, Princeton & London, 1976, p. 171

[21] G. Scholem: Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. New York, 1961, p.

[22] C.G. Jung: "The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious" inTwo Essays on Analytical Psychology. Princeton & London, 1953, CW, Vol. VII

[23] B.T.: Traktat Ta'anit 5a; Traktat Sukka 51b

[24] Paul: Epistle to the Galatians 4, 26

[25] H. Leisegang:Die Gnosis. Leipzig, 1924, p. 140

[26] C.G. Jung: "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" in Архетипах коллективного бессознательного. Princeton & London, 1959, CW, IX, p. 37

[27] C.G.Jung:Psychology and Alchemy. Princeton & London, 1953, CW, Vol. XII, p. 160

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