Оккультный мир Е.П.Блаватской

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- New York, March 1889. - Pp. 243-244.

73. C.W.Leadbeater. How Teosophy Came To Me. - Adyar, Madras,

India, 1948 г. - Pp. 57, 59-62. (Далее - Hоw Theosophy.)

74. H.P.B.: In Memory. - Pp. 14-15.

75. Hоw Theosophy. - Pp. 68, 71, 73-77.

76. H.P.B.: In Memory. - Pp. 15-17.

77а. Richard Hodgson. Account of Personal Investigations

in India, and Disccussion of the Authorship of the "Koot Hoomi"

Letters // Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Researchяя.

- London. - V. 3, 1885. - Pp. 207, 261, 262, 313-314, 317.

77б. The Theosophist. - Adyar, Madras, India, September 1932.

- Pp. 732-734.

78. Charles Johnston. The Theosophical Movemen // The Theosophical

Quarterly. - New York, July 1907. - Pp. 17-18.

79. Компиляция из: Early Days. - Pp. 79-83; Incidents. -

Pp. 302-303.

80. C.Wachtmeister, Reminiscences. - Pp. 16-21, 22-23,

32-33, 43-45, 49-50, 55-56, 59-61.

81. C.Wachtmeister, Reminiscences. -Pp. 121-125.

82. C.Wachtmeister, Reminiscences. - Pp. 107-108.

83. Компиляция из: H.P.B.: In Memory. - P. 20, и C.Wachtmeister,

Reminiscences. - Pp. 71-76.

84. Archibald Keightley. From Ostende to London // The Path.

- New York, November 1892. - Pp. 245-248.

85. C.Wachtmeister, Reminiscences. - Pp. 90-95.

86. Charles Johnston. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky // The Theosophical

Forum. - New York, April, May, June and July 1900; перепечатано

в H.P.B. s Collected Writings. - V. 8. - Pp. 392-409.

87. Archibald Keightley. Reminiscemces of H.P.Blavatsky //

The Theosophical Quarterly. - New York, Oktober 1910. - Pp.


88. H.P.B.: In Memory. - Pp. 38-39.

89. Alice Leighton Cleather. H.P.Blavatsky As I Knew Her. -

Calcutta, 1923. - Pp. 2-4. (Далее - Cleather. As I Knew Her.)

90. Katherine Tingley. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: Foundress

of the Original Theosophical Society in New York, 1875. - Point

Loma, California, 1921. - Pp. 34-35. (Далее - Tingley. H.P.B.)

91. Компиляция из: William T.Stead. Note // The M.P. For Russia:

Reminiscences & Correspondence of Madame Olga Novikoff. - London,

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