Предательство человечности

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Berne, E. (1964) Games people play. New York: Grove Press.

Bugental, J.F.T. (1978) Psychotherapy and process: The fundamentals of an existential-humanistic approach. New York: McGraw-Hill (formerly Reading, MA: Adisson-Wesley).

Bugental, J.F.T. (1987) The art of the psychotherapist. New York: Norton.

Bugental, J.F.T. (1989) (Copied from a maxim displayed in the birhtplace museum of Albert Schweitzer in Kaisersburg, France, and there cited to his Memories of childhood and youth, p.93. That book is no longer in print.)

Deikman, A. (1989) The wrong way home: Uncovering the patterns of cult behavior in American Society. Boston: Beacon Press.

Gendlin, E.T. (1978) Focusing. New York: Everest House.

Huxley, A. (1990) Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and other essays. New York: Harper & Row.

Maslow, A.H. (1971) The farther reaches of human nature. New York: Viking.

Pascal, B. (1966) Pensees. (A.J. Krailshaimer, Trans.) New York: Penguin. (Original date 1670).

Reed, E.S. (1988) James J. Gibson and the psychology of perception. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Sartre, J.-P. (1947) No exit and the flies. New York: Knopf.

Schweitzer, A. (See Bugental, 1989, above).

Skinner, B.F. (1987) Whatever happened to psychology as the science of behavior? American Psychologist, 42, 780-786.

Sterling, M.M. (1991) The experience of role-play during psychotherapeutic training: A phenomenological analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco.

Tillich, P. (1951) Systematic theology. Vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Walsh, R.N. (1976) Reflections on psychotherapy. Journal of Transpersonal Psychotherapy, 8(2).

Welwood, J. (1982) The unfolding of experience: Psychotherapy and beyond. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 22, 91-104.

Whitehead, A.N. (1954) Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead. (as recorded by L. Price). Boston: Little, Brown.

Youniss, J. (1991) Hermeneutics: Seeking meaning after positivism. (Review of M.J. Packer & R.B. Adisson (Eds.), Entering the circle: Hermeneutic investigation on psychology.) Contemporary Psychology, 36, 17-18.

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