Краткосрочная мультимодальная психотерапия

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Я благодарен Холу Арковицу (Hal Arkowitz) и анонимным арбитрам за их проницательную критику моего первоначального наброска. Я на самом деле внес некоторые изменения, которые они порекомендовали!

список источников

Arkowitz, H. (1989). The role of theory In psychotherapy integration. Journal of

Integrative andEclectic Psychotherapy, 8, 8-16. Bandura, Л. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive

theory. Englewood С liffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Barlow, D. H. (1988). Anxiety and its disorders. New York: Guilford Press. Barlow, D. H. (1993). Implications of clinical research for psychotherapy integration

In the treatment of the anxiety disorders. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 3,


Beitman, B. D. (1987). The structure of individual psychotherapy. New York; Guilford. Beutler, L. E., & Clarkjn, J. F. (1990). Systematic treatment selection: Toward targeted

therapeutic interventions. New York: Brunner/Mazel. Carter, M. M, Turovsky, J., & Barlow, D. H. (1994). Interpersonal relationships

In panic disorder with agoraphobia: A review of empirical evidence. Clinical

Psychology: Science and Practice, 1, 25-34. Dryden, W. (1987). Theoretically consistent eclecticism: Humanizing a computer

«addict.» In J. С Norcross (Ed.). Casebook of eclectic psychotherapy (pp. 221-

237). New York: Brunner/Mazel. Frank, J. D. (1982). Therapeutic components shared by all psychothera-

pies. In J. H. Harvey & M. M. Parks (Eds.), The Master Lecture Series:

Vol. 1. Psychotherapy research and behavior change (pp. 73-122). Washington,

DC: American Psychological Association. Franks, С. М. (1984). On conceptual and technical integrity In psychoanalysis and

behavior therapy: Two fundamentally incompatible systems. In H. Arkowitz &

S. B. Messer (Eds.), Psychoanalytic therapy and behavior therapy: Is integration

possible? (pp. 223-247). New York: Plenum Press. Freud, S. (1919). Turnings In the ways of psychoanalytic therapy. Collected Papers

(Vol. 2). London: Hogarth. Garfield, S. L. (1992). Eclectic psychotherapy: A common factors

approach. In J. С Norcross & M. R. Goldfried (Eds.), Handbook ofpsychotherapy

integration (pp. 169-201). New York: Basic Books. Goldfried, M. R. (Ed.) (1982). Converging themes In psychotherapy. New York:

Springer. Lambert, M. J. (1992). Psychotherapy outcome research: Implications for integrative

and eclectic therapists. In J. С Norcross & M. R. Goldfried (Eds.), Handbook of

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