Тест Роршаха. Практика и теория

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  2. SwartzL. Role of kinaesthesia in aruosal and learning behavior // Percept, and Mot. Skills. 1978. Vol. 47. P. 1219-1225.
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  5. Tow P. M. Personality changes following frontal leucotomy. London etc., 1955. 262 p.
  6. Travis L. E., Bennett C. L. The relationship between the electroencephalogram and scores in certain Rorschach categories // EEG and clin. Neuropsychol. 1953. Vol. 5 P. 474.
  7. Tschudin A. Chronische Schizophrenien Im Rorschachschen Versuch (vorwiegend katatone, hebephrene und paranoide Formen) // Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. und Psychial: 1944. Bd 53. S. 79-100.
  8. Vernon P. E. The significance of the Rorschach test // Brit. S. Med. Psychol. 1935. Vol. 15. P. 199-217.
  9. Versace R., Tiberghien G. Specialisation hemispherique et frequences spatiales // LAnn. psychol. 1985. Vol. 2. P. 249-273.
  10. Wallach J. Affective-symbolic connotations of the Rorschach inkblots: fact or fantasy // Percept, and Mot. Skills. 1983. Vol. 56. P. 287-245.
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  12. Walton D. On the validity of Rorschach test in the diagnosis of intracranial damage and pathology//J. Mental. Sci. 1955. Vol. 101. P. 370-383.
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  14. Weiner I. B. Psychodiagnosis in Schizophrenia. New York, 1966. 573 p.
  15. WishnerJ. Rorschach intellectual indicators in neurotics //Amer. J. Orthopsychiat. 1948. Vol. 18. P. 265-279.
  16. Wysocki B. A. Assesment of intelligence level by the Rorschach test as compared with objective tests // J. Educ. Psychol. 1957. Vol. 48. P. 113-117.
  17. Wyss-EhingerG. Intelligenzquotient und Ro-Versuch //Wien. Ztschr. Nervenheilk. 1951. Bd 4. S. 134-154.

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Б. И. Белый


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