В поисках фаллоса

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Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Trans. Richard Aldingion and Delano

Ames. Ed. Felix Guirland. New York: Prometheus Press, 1959.

Lloyd-Jones, Hugh. «Members Only», in The New York Review, Nov. 10,


Lopez-Pedraza, Rafael. Hermes and His Children. Zurich: Sprin Publica-

tions, 1977.

Манн Томас. Новеллы.— М.: Правда, 1986.

Mann, Thomas. Death in Venice. Trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter, New York:

Alfred A. Knopf, 1930.

Monick, Eugene. Phallos: Sacred Image of the Masculine. Toronto: Inner

City Books, 1987.

Otto, W. F. Dionysus: Myth and Cult. Bloomington: Indiana University

Press, 1965.

Ovid. Les Metamorphoses. Trans. L'Abbe Banier. Amsterdam: R. & J.

Wetstein & G. Smith, 1732.

Pausanias. Guide to Greece. Trans. Peter Levi. Harmondsworth and New

York: Penguin Books, 1971.

Петроний. Сатирикон. Античный плутовской роман.—Л., 1991.

Petronius. The Satyricon. Trans. William Arrowsmith. New American

Library, 1959.

__, A. Revised Latin Text of the Satyricon. lllus. Norman Lindsay. London:

Ralph Straus, 1890.

Priapeia, The Trans. Mitchell S. Buck. Privately printed, 1937.

Priapeia: Poems for a Phallic God. Trans. W. H. Parker. London: Croom

Helm, 1988.

Richlin, Amy. The Garden of Priapus. New Haven: Yale University Press,


Rorschach, Hermann. Gesammelte Aufsatze. Bern and Stuttgart: Verlag

Hans Huber, 1965.

Sharp, Daryl. The Survival Papers: Anatomy of a Midlife Crisis. Toronto:

Inner City Books, 1988.

S/. Evremont, Mons. The Satyrical Works of Titus Petronius Arbiter.

London: Sam. Briscoe, 1708.

Stedman's Medical Dictionary. 23 rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins,


Symeoni, М. Gabriello. La Vita et Metamorfoses d'Ovidio. Lione- Giovanni

de Torres, 1559.

Trip, Edvard. The Meridian handbook of Classical Mythology. New York:

Meridian, 1970.

Vanggaard, Thorkil. Phallos: A Symbol and Its History in the Male World.

New York: International Universities Press, 1972.

Van Franz, Mane-Louise. A Psychological Interpretation of the Golden Ass

ofApuleius. 2nd ed. Dallas: Spring Publications, 1980.

Whitmont, Edward C. Return of the Goddess. New York: Crossroad, 1984.

Winter, C. C. «The Nonoperative Management of Priapism.» In Current

Controversies in Urologic Management, ed. Russell Scott Jr. philadel-

phia: W. B. Saunders Co, 1972.


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