Основы психологического консультирования

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  • ответственность за собственное поведение;
  • сексуальная раскрепощенность;
  • изучение разных форм сексуального поведения;
  • углубленное осознание при общении с противоположным полом своих чувств и фантазий;
  • структурная перестройка поведения.

Сексотерапия чаще всего применяется при импотенции (первичной и вторичной), слишком ранней или запоздалой эякуляции, нарушениях оргазма и вагинизме.


  1. Bird B. Talking with Patients, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1973.
  2. Coleman J. C. Abnormal Psychology in Modem Life // Glenview, Ill.: Scott Foresman and Co, 1972.
  3. Corey G. Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Monterey, Calif.: Brooks/Cole, 1972.
  4. Dune E. J., McIntosh J. L., Dune-Maxim K. (Eds.) Suicide and Its Aftermath: Understanding and Counseling the Survivors. N. Y.: Norton, 1987.
  5. George R. L., Cristiani T. S. Counseling: Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed. Englewood Cliffs. N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1990.
  6. Homey К. The Neurotic Personality of Our Time. N. Y.: Norton, 1937.
  7. Jacobson E. Depression. N. Y.: International University Press, 1971.
  8. Jones F. A. Therapists as survivors of client suicide // In: E. J. Dune, J. L. McIntosh, K. Dune- Maxim (Eds.). Suicide and Its Aftermath: Understanding and Counseling the Survivors. N. Y.: Norton, 1987.
  9. Kennedy E. On Becoming Counselor: A Basic Guide for Non-Professional Counselors. N. Y.: The Seabury Press, 1977.
  10. Kociunas R. Asmenybes tyrimo paslatys psihosomatineje medicinoje // Psichologija, 1985. Nr. 4. P. 117-132.
  11. Kubler-Ross E. On Death and Dying. N. Y.: MacMillan, 1969.
  12. Masters W. H., Johnson V. E. Human Sexual Inadequacy. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.
  13. May R. The Art of Counseling. N. Y.: Abingdon Press, 1967.
  14. McNeil E. B. Neurosis and Personally Disorders. N. Y.: Science House, 1968.
  15. Menninger W. W. Patient suicide and its impact on the psychotherapist // Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1991. Vol. 55. P. 216-227.
  16. Parkes M. Bereavement: Studies of Grief in Adult Life. N. Y.: International University Press, 1972.
  17. Parkes M., Weiss R. Recovery from Bereavement. N. Y.: Basic Books, 1983.
  18. Pretzel P. Understanding and Counseling the Suicidal Person. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1972.
  19. Salzman L. The Obsessive Personality. N. Y.: Science House, 1968.
  20. Shneidman E. S. On the nature of Suicide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1969.
  21. Storr A. The Art of Psychotherapy. N. Y.: Methuen, 1980.
  22. Stroebe M. Coping with bereavement: a review of the grief work hypothesis // Omega, 1991-1993. Vol. 26 (1). P. 19-42.
  23. Yalom I. Existential Psychotherapy. N. Y.: Basic Books, 1980.
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