Оптимистическая трагедия одиночества

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Loneliness: how to overcome it / By V. Marriott and T. Timblick – Mitcham: Age Concern, 1988.133 McCraw S. God and the problem of loneliness, Religious studies, 28/3 (1992), p. 319–346.

134. Mijuskovic B. Loneliness in philosophy, psychology and literature / Assen, The Net Gorcum, 1979.

135. Modernity and Identity / ed. By S. Lash and S. Friedman. – Oxford: Cambridge, Blackwell, 1992.

136. Moral Consciousness and Communicative action / J. Habermas, Cambrige: Polity Press, 1990.

137. Moustakas C. E. Loneliness / Englewood Cliffs, N.S., Rentice-Hall, 1961.

138. Peplan L. A. and Perlman D. (eds.) Loneliness: a source book of current theory, reserch and therapy / New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1982.

139. Reasons and Pearsons / D. Parfit – Oxford: Clarendo Press, 1987.

140. Reasman D. The Lonely Crowd / New Haven: Yale University Press, 1956.

141. Sadler W. On the werge of loneliness, humanitas 10/3 (1974).

142. Taylor Cn. Sources of the self; the making of the modern identity – Cambridge University Press, 1989.

143. The coming crisis of Werstern Sociology / A. Gouldner, New York: Basic Books, 1970.

144. The human condition / H. Arendt, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1958.

145. Weiss R Loneliness: the experience of emotional and social isolation / Cambrige, MA: The Massachusetts institute of Technology Press, 1973.

Wood M. M. Paths of Loneliness: the individual isolated in modern society / New York: Columbia University Press, 1960, 237 p.

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