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25-маркерные гаплотипы – база данных YSearch

Гаплотипы Буковины -

Atkinson, Q.D. and Gray, R.D. How old is the Indo-European language family? Illumination or more moths to the flame? In: Phylogenetic Methods and the Prehistory of Languages. Cambridge: The McDonald Institute for Archaelogical Research, 2006, pp. 91-109.

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Cinnioglu, C., King, R., Kivisild, T., Kalfoglu, E., Atasoy, S., Cavalleri, G., Lillie, A.S., Roseman, C.C., Lin, A.A., Prince, K., Oefner, P.J., Shen, P., Semino, O., Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. and Underhill, P,A. Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia. Hum. Genet. 114, 127-148 (2004)

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Gkiasta, M., Russell, T., Shennan, S., and Steele, J. Neolithic transition in Europe: the radiocarbon record revisited. Antiquity 77, 45-62 (2003)

Gray, R.D. and Atkinson, Q.D. Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European origin. Nature, 426, 435-439 (2003)

Innes, J., Blackford, J., and Rowley-Conwy, P. The start of the Mesolithic-neolithic transition in north-west Europe – the polynological contribution. Antiquity 77, No. 297 (2003)

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