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92. Arima Sumimoto. Judo: Japanese Physical Culture. Tokyo: Mitsumura & Co. Ltd, 1906.

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104. Dore R. Education in Tokugawa Japan. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1965.

105. Draeger D. F. Classical Bujutsu. Tokyo, 1977. V. 1-3.

106. Draeger D. F. Ninjutsu. The Art of Invisibility. Phoenix, 1977.

107. Draeger D. F., Smith R. W. Asian Fighting Arts. Tokyo, 1973.

108. Egami S. The Way of Karate: Beyond Techniques. Tokyo-New York-San Francisco, 1978.

109. Etig W. Schwertkampf Training der Samurai und der Ninja. Bad-Homburg, 1992.

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111. Feldenkrais M. Judo pour centure noires. Edition Chiron. Paris, 1951.

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113. Funakoshi Gichin. Karate-do //A complete Guide to Judo, its Story and Practice. Compl. by Robert W. Smith. Tokyo, 1958.

114. Funakoshi Gichin. Karate-do, My Way of Life. Tokyo, 1978.

115. Funakoshi Gichin. Karate-do Kyohan. Tokyo, 1975.

116. Garbutt M. Military Works in Old Japan //Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society. London, 1907.

117. Geesink A. Mijn Judo //Sprendlingen: Budo-Verlag, 1967.

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