Смертоносный экспорт Америки - демократия

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[255] Историю этой вражды, включая продолжительное вранье и устрашающие кампании см. в главе о Ливии в моей книге: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II. Zed Books, London, 2003.

[256] Sigmund Paul. The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile, 1964–1976. University of Pittsbuigh Press, Pittsbuigh, PA, 1977. P. 297.

[257] Covert Action in Chile, 1963–1973, a Staff Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (US Senate). December 18, 1975. P. 4.

[258] Sigmund Paul. The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile. P. 34.

[259] Доклад Venezuelanalysis.com, англоязычная информационная лента, публикуемая американцами в Каракасе, 27 ноября 2007 г., статья Майкла Фокса (Michael Fox).

[260] Дальнейшую информацию см.: Perkins John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2004, passim.

[261] Newsweek magazine. June 18, 1973. P. 22.

[262] См. подобные примеры: Parenti Michael. The Anti-Communist Impulse. Random House, New York, 1969.

[263] Associated Press. February 4, 2006.

[264] Дальнейшие детали см.: Jones Bart, op-ed. Los Angeles Times. May 30, 2007; www.vetiezuelanalysis.com; www.misionmiranda.com/rctv.htv.htm.

[265] Schumacher-Matos Edward. Washington Post. February 14, 2009.

[266] New York Times. February 13, 2009.

[267] Washington Post. February 12, 2009.

[268] Washington Post. February 8, 2009.

[269] Sklar Holly. Washington’s War on Nicaragua. South End Press. Boston M A, 1988. P. 243.

[270] New York Times. October 7, 1990. P. 10.

[271] For the full report of October 28, 2006; cm.: Nicaragua Network of Washington, DC: nicanet.org; chuck@ afgy.org.

[272] Nicaragua Network. October 29, 2001, www.nicanet.org/pubs/hotlinel029_2001.html; New York Times. November 4, 2001. P. 3.

[273] Miami Herald. October 29, 2001.

[274] Independent. September 6, 2006. Свяжитесь c Nicaragua Network, nicanet.org; Kathy@afgv.org, чтобы получить список интервенций США в демократические процессы в Никарагуа // Independent. September 6, 2006; 2006 Nicaraguan Elections and the US Government Role. Доклад делегации Nicaragua Network о расследовании вмешательства США в выборы в Никарагуа в ноябре 2006 г.: www.nicanet.org/pdf/Delegation%20Report.pdf.

[275] Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960. Vol. VI: Cuba (1991). P. 885.

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