Биология трансцендентного

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Healy, Jane. Endangered Minds: Why Our Children Don't Think. New York: Touchstone, 1991.

— Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children's Mind-for Better and Worse. New York: Touchstone, 1999.

Jones, Blurton N. Ethological Studies of Child Behavior. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

Luria, Alexander R. The Role of Speech in Normal and Abnormal Behavior. New York: Liveright, 1961.

Mikulak, Marcia. The Children of a Bombara Village. Santa Fe, N. Мех.: Santa Fe Research, 1991.

Piaget, Jean. The Child's Conception of the World. New York: Humanities Press, 1951.

— Intelligence and Affectivity: Their Relationship During Child Development. Palo Alto, Calif: Annual Reviews, Inc., 1981.

Prescott, James W. "Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence." The Futurist, April 1975.

— "The Origins of Human Love and Violence." Institute of Humanistic Science Monograph. 7th International Congress, Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 1997.

Rody, Sylvia, and S. Axelrod. Anxiety and Ego Formation in Infancy. New York: International Universities Press, 1970.

Schore, Allan N. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neu-robiology of Emotional Development. Hillsdale, N J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994.

— "The Experience-Dependent Maturation of a Regulatory System in the Orbital Prefrontal Cortex and the Origin of Developmental Psychopathology." Development and Psychopathology 8: 55–87.

Staley, Betty. Between Form and Freedom. Wallbridge, Stroud, England: Hawthorne Press, 1988.

Sweet, Win, and Bill Sweet. Living Joyfully with Children. Lakewood, Colo.: Acropolis Books, 1997.


Armour, J. A., and J. Ardell, eds. Neurocardiology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Cantin, Marc, and Jacques Genet. "The Heart as an Endocrine Gland." Scientific American, February 1986.

Childre, D. L. Freeze Frame: Fast Action Stress Relief Boulder Creek: Calif: Planetary Publications, 1994.

Childre, Lew, and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. San Fran-ciSco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1999.

Childre, Lew, Rollin McCraty, and Deborah Rozman, eds. "Increasing Coherence in the Human System: A New Biobehavioral Technology for Increasing Health and Personal Effectiveness." Boulder Creek, Calif: HeartMath Research Center.

Lacey, John, and Beatrice Lacey. "Two-Way Communication between the Heart and the Brain: Significance of Time within the Cardiac Cycle." American Psychologist (February 1978): 99-113.

Marinelli, Ralph, et al. "The Heart Is Not a Pump: A Refutation of the Pressure Propulsion Premise of Heart Function." Frontier Perspectives 5, no. 1 (Fall/Winter, 1995).

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