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43. Schmidtke A., Schaller S., Wasserman D. Suicide clusters and media coverage of suicide// Suicide-An unnecessary death. Ed. by D.Wasserman. London: Martin Dunitz, 2001.--p.265-268.

44. Schoen S. Presence of Mind, New York, 1994.

45. Shneidman E.S. Classifications of suicidal phenomena// Bulletin of suicidology, 1968 July, p. 1-9.

46. Shneidman E.S. The Psychological Pain Assessment Scale// Lives and Deaths: Selections from the Works of Edwin S.Shneidman. Ed. by A.Leenaars. Brun-ner/Mazel: Philadelphia, PA, 1999.

47. Shneidman E.S. The Psychological Pain Assessment Scale/7 Suicide and Life -Threatening Behavior, 1999, v.29, n.4, p.287-294.

48. Wheeler G. Gestalt Reconsidered. A New Approach to Contact and Resistance. The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland Press, 1998.

49. Wheeler G. Beyond Individualism. Toward a New Understanding of Self. Relationship and Experience. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, 2000.

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