Структурированные техники семейной и супружеской терапии

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Beck, A. T., Rush, A. J., Emery, G., and Shaw, B. Cognitive therapy of depression. New York: Guilford Press, 1979.

Dreikurs, R. Children the challenge. New York: Hawthorne, 1946.

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Ellis, A. How to stubbornly refuse to be ashamed of anything. Cassete recording, New York: Institute for Rational Living, 1973.

Ellis, A. Sex and the liberated man. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1976.

Ellis, A., Grieger, R., with contributors. RET handbook of rational-emotive therapy. New York: Springer, 1977.

Gottman, J., Markman, H., and Notarius, C. The typography of marital conflict: A sequential analysis of verbal and non-verbal behavior. Journal of Marriage and the family, 1977, 39, 461-479.

Jacobson, N. S. Behavioral marital therapy. In A. S. Gurman and D. Kniskern (eds.), Handbook of family therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1981.

Lazarus, A. The practice of the multimodal therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1976.

Schwartz, L., Sherman, R., and Norris, H. The action counseling workshop. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1975, 15(2), 144-148.

Sherman, R., Norris, H., and Schwartz, L. Applying action counseling to institutional change. Paper and demonstration presented to the annual convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, New York, 1974.

Sherman, R., Norris, H., and Schwartz, L. Principles of action counseling. Paper and demonstration presented to the national convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, New York, 1975.

Stuart, R. B. Helping couples change. New York: Guilford Press, 1980.


Corsini, R. J. The marriage conference. Marriage Counseling Quarterly, 1970, 5, 21-29.

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Deutsch, D. A step toward successful marriages . Journal of Individual Psychology, 1956, 12, 78-83.

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