Организационная психология

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[601] Kavanagh M. J., MacKinney A. C. & Wolins L. Issues in managerial performance: Multitrait-multimethod analyses of ratings //Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 75, 1971. P. 34—49.

[602] Latham G. P. & Wexley K. N. Increasing productivity through performance appraisal. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1981.

[603] Standards for educational and psychological tests. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1974.

[604] Anastasi A. Psychological testing. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1982. 614

[605] Standards for educational and psychological tests. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1974.

[606] Cascio W. F. Applied psychology in personnel management. Rеslon. Va.: Rescon-Publishing, 1982.

[607] Ghiselli E. E. The validity of aptitude tests in personnel selection. Personnel Psychology, Vol. 26, 1973. P. 461- 477.

[608] Guilford J. P. The nature of human intelligence. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1967.

[609] Права на публикацию и продажу теста принадлежат Американской психологической корпорацией (American Psychological Corporation)

[610] Ghiselli E. E. The validity of aptitude tests in personnel selection //Personnel Psychology, Vol. 26, 1973. P. 461—477.

[611] ' Права на публикацию и продажу теста принадлежат Американской психологической корпорацией (American Psychological Corporation)

[612] Права на публикацию и продажу тестов принадлежат компаниям «Science Research Associates» и «Stanford University Press», соответственно.

[613] Cummin P.C. TAT correlates of executive performance //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 51, 1967. P. 78—81; Warner H. A. & Rubin 1. M. Motivation of research and development entrepreneurs //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 53, 1469. P. 178 — 184.

[614] Grant D. L., Katkovsky W. & Bray D. W. Contributions of protective techniques to assessment of management potential //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 51, 1967. P. 226—232.

[615] Miner J. B. Twenty years of research on role motivation theory of managerial effectiveness //Personnel Psychology, Vol. 31, 1978. P. 739- -760.

[616] Права на публикацию и продажу тестов принадлежат компаниям «Springer Publishing Company».

[617] Ладанов И. Д. Практический менеджмент (психотехника управления и самотренировки. М., 1995. С. 382.

[618] Finkle R. В. Managerial assessment centers //Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology /Ed. by M. D. Dunnеttе. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976. P. 861-888; Bray D. W. & Grant D.L. The assessment center in the measurement of potential for business management //Psychological Monographs, Vol. 80, No 625, 1966.

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