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Малые системы нейронов

Benzer S. Genetic dissection of behavior, Scientific American, vol. 229, No. 6, 24-37,

December, 1973. Nicholls J. G., van Essen D. The nervous system of the leech, Scientific American, vol.

230, No. 1, 38-48, January, 1974. Bentley D., Hoy R.R. The neurobiology of cricket song, Scientific American, vol. 231,

No. 2, 34-44, August, 1974. Kandel E.R. Cellular basis of behavior: An introduction to behavioral neurobiology,

W. H. Freeman and Company, 1976. [Имеется перевод: Кэндел Э. Клеточные

основы поведения.-М.: Мир, 1980.У Kandel E.R. Cellular insights into behavior and learning. In: Harvey Lectures, Series

73, 29-92, 1979.

Организация мозга

Herrick C.J. Neurological foundations of animal behavior, Henry Holt and

Company, 1924. Nauta W. J. H., Karten H. J. A general profile of the vertebrate brain with sidelights

on the ancestry of cerebral cortex. In: The neurosciences: Second study program

(F.O. Schmitt, ed.), Rockefeller University Press, 1970. Neurology. In: Gray's Anatomy. 35th British edition (R. Warwick and P.L. Williams,

eds.), W.B. Saunders Company, 1973.

Развитие мозга

Hunt R.К. Development programming for retinotectal patterns. In: Cell patterning:

Ciba foundation symposium 29, Associated Scientific Publishers, 1975. Rakic P. Cell migration and neuronal ectopias in the brain. In: Birth Defects:

Original articles Series, vol. 11, 95-129, 1975. Hubel D.H., Wiesel T.N., Levay S. Plasticity of ocular dominance columns in monkey

striate cortex. In: Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London, series

B, vol. 278, No. 961, 377^109, April 26, 1977. Cowan W.M. Aspects of neural development. In: International Review of physiology,

vol. 17: Neurophysiology III (R. Porter, ed.), University Park Press, 1978. Jacobson M. Developmental neurobiology, Plenum Press, 1978.

Химия мозга

Hall Z. W., Hildebrand J.G., Kravitz E.A. Chemistry of Synaptic transmission: Essays

and sources, Chiron Press, 1974. Iversen L.L., IversenS.D., Snyder S.H. Handbook of psychopharmacology, Plenym

Press, 1975-1978. Cooper J. R., Bloom F. E., Roth R. H. The biochemical basis of neuropharmacology,

Oxford University Press, 1978.

Hughes J. (ed.). Centrally Acting Peptides, University Park Press, 1978. Iversen S.D., Iversen L.L. Behavioral pharmacology, Oxford University Press, second

edition in press.

Центральные механизмы зрения

Mountcastle V.B. Modality and topographic properties of single neurons of cat's

somatic sensory cortex, J. of Neurophysiology, vol. 20, No. 4, 408-434, July, 1957. Hubel D. H., Wiesel T. N. Receptive fields and functional architecture of monkey

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